06.30.14 - 08.03.14
this summer i made a plan to be busy, to have something or some purpose
just about everyday. there's to many things i want to do and if i don't
schedule it in i wont do it.

cousin was able to hook us up with some tickets to see cher. i was in
pain most of the show because of my late back issues but it was amazing.
cher can do anything & i feel so lucky i was able to go & share
the experience with my mom & sis.
more cher. goop. fourth of july. backyard movie night.
our fourth of july was low key as it always has been. it was also the
4th anniversary of our engagement. (we didn't celebrate that tho). we
went to my parents for a bbq & watch fireworks throughout portland
on the drive back to beaverton. when we finally got home i wanted to do
some sparklers with jason. thankfully cooper isn't scared of fireworks
or the noise. i think he is more concerned about us to worry about the
other things going on.
and we officially had the backyard peterson theater. our first showing was walk the line and the second was man of steel.
family bike ride. my designed spoonflower fabric.
shoe making class: lasts and patterns. tracing feet.
we busted
out the bikes for the first time this summer. cooper does so well in the
basket. he loves the wind on his face. we haven't had a chance to since
but i will make time before the weather turns grey.
i've been in-love (for a few months) with this gorgeous palm wrap dress from ganni
but of course it's sold out so i've been looking all over for palm
fabric. everything was either to colorful or too thick so i ended up
making my own. this is only the second time i've make my own pattern but
i think it turned out pretty good. i also bought a wrap dress pattern
but i've only got as far as to cut it out. it's on my ever growing list
of things to go before summer is over.
shoe making class: working hard. sleepy nami.
finished shoes! st johns bride.
then there was the shoe making class. shoes <3 <3<3. this
class was pretty intensive. I figured it would be a simple process but
it was hard laborious work.i have yet to wear the shoes because i would
weep if anything happened to them but they've inspired me to make
different more simplistic version (of course added to the list of thing
to do).
i have a new freelance gig from an old friend. we've known each other
for years but grew apart after college. life has changed us both
immensely & we've found each other again. we met in st johns to go
over details and get some grub. i love making wedding and event invites
& diys. i wish i could do it for the money but then i don't think i
would enjoy it as much. i love to be creative. i can't wait to see all
the fun projects for her wedding.
free morning yoga at work.
hurley thirst thursday. bastille tickets!
there was a big trainer conference and the spoiled employees at nike
reaped the benefits. there was a nike train club class and yoga. sadly i
had a meeting i just couldn't miss so i couldn't go to ntc but i made
it to yoga. these classes were open to nike employees. the yoga was held
on the ronaldo field and taught be a visiting trainer. yoga is a great
way to start out any day. stretching and relaxing can do a lot for your
well being.
horse... . beach camping with the fam.
haystack rock.
on july 18th jason, lic, coop, max, & myself went camping at nehlam
bay at the beach. july 18th is a day that will forever be stuck in my
head. i choose to never leave the house on this day again. the trip its
seld was good just the wierd things that happened. i'll go into more
depth on my post about this.
portland spirit 80s night.
diy charm bracelet. maupin.
dave & hannah were in town for one of dave's friends birthdays & jason and i crashed the festivities on the portland spirit.
i finally finished one of my many pending diy projects. i have more charms to add but i can wear it as is. i have change/coins laying around from my past travels (japan, canada, mexico, england, france, china, & singapore) and i wanted to figure out a way to display them or at least give them a purpose. i came across a diy on a charm bracelet and i made it my own. i've actually gotten a lot of compliments too. i had one guy ask me if i sold them.
white water rafting on the deschutes river.
maupin. max.
on to our summer outdoor adventures. i bought a deal for high desert river outfitters for a half day rafting trip on the deschutes.
rafting. dinner date with sam at boke bowl.
nike photoshoot downtown. all dressed up for the
miller wedding.
after months of not seeing each other i got together with sam & we had a date to boke bowl. it was fun and delicious. i recommend the mushroom sticky buns. i could've eaten 10 of them.
my co worker and i got invited to help out on a photo shoot for the 2015 nfl/ncaa tee line. we were super stoked & it was really fun to not sit in front of a computer for hours on end. i'll do a little post on this later but of course i can't show any of the product until its official release in 2015.
miller wedding with the high school ladies. bff photo.
mr and mrs miller. homemade fruit leather.
jason and i got dressed up fancy and headed out to dayton for the miller wedding. holly was actually the first person i met and became friends with when we moved in 2nd grade. we went to grade school, middle school, high school, & even college together. our junior year at OSU we were roommates with another girl. it was a beautiful wedding and holly was absolutely stunning (as always).
i made some fruit leather. they were really easy and you can make them into whatever you want. the only problem is they have to cook for 5-6 hours. i don't feel comfortable leaving my oven on & not being home so it was a challenge to find a time when i would be home for 6 hours in a row. i've actually started my second batch. 1. wash & cut up the fruit 2. boil it with water until the fruit breaks down 3. blend/chop/food process it to a thick liquid 4. let it cool 5.cook for 5-6 hours at 170 degrees fahrenheit on parchment paper or a silpat 6. cut into strips and roll with wax paper 7. tie with string & store in an airtight container.